Designed to maximize your productivity and improve your quality control, our automatic pallet changers will help your YCM machine center achieve their peak of production. At MIDACO, we have been providing innovative, quality efficiency solutions for companies just like yours since 1969, and our pallet systems can offer you the time-savings that you require.
Our automatic pallet systems can easily be integrated with any new or existing YCM CNC machines. Precision engineering of our pallet changers offers pallet changes with a +/- .0001” (.0025 mm) repeatability, while freeing your machine operators to load and unload pallets, set up new jobs, and place a larger focus on quality control and inspecting parts.
YCM Machining Center Pallet Changer
The pallet changer’s PLC can be fully integrated with any CNC machine by using two M-Functions, and offers many features including programmable pallet acceleration and deceleration according to the weight of the fixture to optimize performance. Some of the other great benefits and features include:
- Reduce set up time on repeat jobs by dedicating tooling onto pallets
- Heavy/large workpieces easily loaded outside the machine
- Increase machine and operator productivity
- Up to 32,000 lb (14,528 kg) capacity depending on your specific application (with weight evenly distributed on the pallets)
- Dual Air Blast at each contact pad for chip removal
- Equipped with Mitsubishi controls
- Jobs can be easily interrupted for emergency
- Pallets easily interchanged between machines or departments
Not only do our automatic pallet changers easily integrate with your YCM CNC machines, but they have also been quality control tested with over 250,000 pallet changes before being brought to market. So you can guarantee your investment will offer great return for many years to come.
Learn more about which pallet system is right for your YCM machine centers – contact MIDACO today!
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