By choosing a world-renowned brand like Brother, it’s clear that you care about the performance of your machining center. So why not take Brother’s already-advanced VMC units to the next level with a specialized pallet changer from Midaco?
By automating the work of changing pallets, you’ll be able to maximize production and realize the full potential of your high-tech machinery and your skilled labor. For every make and model of Brother vertical machine center, Midaco offers a selection pallet changers that include automatic, manual, and international CE-compliant designs. Automate your business with Midaco today, and reap the benefits of efficiency, quality, and profit for decades to come!
Maximize Production With a Brother Machining Center Pallet Changer
Midaco has been designing, engineering, and fabricating machining solutions such as Automatic Pallet Changer Systems, Manual Pallet Changer Systems, AutoDoor Systems, Trunnion Systems and other accessories since 1969. As manufacturers like Brother have become more advanced, we have too!
Whether you need a manual, automatic, single, or dual pallet changer design, our in-house experts will help you select a unit that suits your unique production environment. We’ll take multiple factors into account—from company budget and floor size to production application—to choose the perfect vertical machine center add on for your Brother VMC. With the input of our pallet changer experts, your manufacturing processes will benefit from:
- Lower overhead costs
- Longer continuous run-times
- Higher production quotas
- Minimal spindle downtime
Cutting-Edge Features of a Midaco VMC Pallet Changer Add on
Regardless of the specific pallet changer you choose, all of Midaco’s Brother-compatible VMC add-ons are engineered to the same standards of excellence. Just a few highlighted features of our pallet changers include:
- Versatile plain-cast aluminum pallets that can be interchanged across machines
- Exceptionally quick pallet exchanges within seconds
- Capacities of up to 32,000 lbs (14,528 kg)
- Hardened ground pins for +/- .0001” (.0025 mm) repeatability
- Single and dual pallet changers with up to 4-pallet capability
- Advanced, precision-engineered Mitsubishi controls
- Dual Air Blast at each contact pad to ease chip removal
- Emergency job halt function
Don’t let common production inefficiencies allow your business to fall behind. A Brother vertical machine center add on from Midaco can reduce wasted part changing time to maximize your company’s overall production.
Ready to learn more? Then complete the online form or call us to connect with a Brother machining center expert! If you’d like to sign up for more information and a pallet changer quote, we invite you to fill out our online form at your convenience.