Reduce Bench Grinder Hazards and Increase Operator Safety Protection

Usually a shop’s grinder is kept in a far corner out of the way of other
machinery and assembly zones. Due to less than optimum lighting conditions in
tucked away areas, an operator may flip or move the protective grinder shield for
a better view while working – increasing the risk of injury. The GRINDER GUARD®
has a full-length, tamper-resistant, stationary shield to help reduce the risk.
It is designed to mount underneath the base of the grinder eliminating the
ability for the operator to remove it. Illuminated with a 24” light, the chip-resistant polycarbonate shield increases operator safety and visibility. Complete systems with grinders are also available.
Additionally, grinding dust is propelled through
the shop environment degrading the air quality as well as making a
mess with dust particles being tracked throughout the shop floor. Increasing shop
safety and cleanliness is always a priority. The GRIT-GRABBER™ is a combination
dust collector and pedestal equipped with a heavy-duty sealed bearing motor,
with a CFM exhaust level exceeding OSHA’s minimum, to quietly capture the
debris. The easily replaced or cleaned collection filter is made up of 3 grades
of treated, flame retardant filter material to offer maximum performance and
reduction in the amount of dust and grit discharged into the work area.
An aluminum mesh screen “spark arrestor” is included and sits on top of
the filter.